Norwest Commercial

Business Headshots are partly science but it’s also partly an art. There is no straightforward formula to ensure that headshot photography turns out right all the time. Granted there are many basic tips that I can give that will ensure a basic standard – that is the science part. There are many other factors that come into play and that is where the ‘art’ part comes into play.

On-Location Commercial Food Photography Shoot

Commercial food photography shoots can be tricky business. At the photography shoot for Australia Patisserie Academy the commercial stainless steel kitchen workbenches and lighting proved challenging. This industrial type background doesn’t make for the best lighting, but take a look brilliant these food photography photos are now.

Why I’m a Food Photographer and not a Chef

Food is far more than just what we need to eat in order to stay alive. Food is one of life’s great pleasures. And being able to photograph food for a living adds so much more. Have a look at some of the food dishes I have photographed for some of Australia’s top chefs.

How Much Does Product Photography Cost

There are many factors that go into creating the very best product photography shots and what adds to the product photography cost. Consider factors such as the location, the set, the product, retouching of images and usage rights to name a few.